Philips - Ilium
Philips - Ilium
Philips - Ilium
Philips - Ilium
Philips - Ilium


5 March 1998


This variant of the Philips Spark phone was used with the innovative Synergy PDA clip-on accessory which was powered by the EPOC operating system. More details about this device can be foundĀ here. Philips evolved its Philips Spark GSM phone to make it capable of supporting mobile data transfer, but the testing took too long due to the lack of available GSM data networks. As a result, the decision was taken to de-couple the Snowball device from the Spark phone (which launched in the third quarter of 1997). This led to this special version of Spark being developed, known as the Ilium, which had built-in data support and could work in conjunction with the Snowball device, which was christened with the name Synergy. This combo was launched in March 1998 at the German-based CeBIT trade show and the combined devices were known as the Philips Ilium Synergy.